
Whoop! Marathon number one complete! I’m stuffed.

  1. Al Baby says:

    Have been following u all day. Love your work!!!

    Feel so proud.


    Dad & Mum


  2. Natalia says:

    Yes have been glued to the website all day just waiting for you to finish and you did just in time! Well done babe we are very proud of you and can’t wait to read all about it. xoxo

  3. Juz says:

    You little ripper!!

  4. Tanya Vokietaitis says:

    Awesome Job Christie x

  5. Michael Glasson says:

    Well done Christie fantastic effort!
    Have been following your blog, looks like your having a great trip, good on you. Have fun and enjoy.

  6. Denis says:

    Well done Christie, fantastic effort, how are the legs now that you have cooled down?

  7. Mel & Elfy says:

    Congratulations Christie – what an amazing feat!
    Enjoying reading about your adventures – hope you are having a fantastic time!

  8. Keir says:

    Well done champ, wow nearly 8hrs a massive effort.
    Probably earnt some five spice chicken, a couple of tsing tao’s and some parting….I’d recommend Susie Wongs or China Doll

  9. Karen says:

    well done Christie, so proud of you! xx

  10. KT700 says:

    Never doubted it with your determination Crust! Great work, can’t wait to hear about all those steps

  11. Yolande says:

    An Amazing Feat! Well done Christie. I can’t begin to think how you felt when you hit the finish line. A great chapter coming up. Y & D xx