The theory

Ok, so before you read any further I was each of you to go and touch some wood. Done? Ok great, thanks.

I am writing this post from Oslo’s Gardermoen airport where I am about to get on an Aeroflot flight to Russia. Those who don’t know Aeroflot it has one of the worst safety records of any airline in the world, mostly because they buy super old shitty planes that probably date back to before the Cold War. The long and the short of it is they crash. A lot!

My friend Tanya told me a story once of an incident – i think it was her and her mum flying between Mongolia and Moscow, so the reverse of what I will do this evening – where the window seat on their row on the plane had been ripped out so extra suitcases could be piled up. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that when the plane took off all the cases came crashing down on top of them! She has vowed never to fly them again.

I am flying Aeroflot for three reasons:

1. It was about $800 cheaper than any other airline (What’s that you say…? You get what you pay for?)

2. It was by far the most direct route – If I went with BA via London it would take me about three days because of a 21 hour layover in Beijing.

3. And because Pål who I’m staying with, flew to Russia last week for work with Aeroflot and assured me they were fine and that they have ordered a whole new fleet of 2009 planes in time for when Sochi hosts the Winter Olympics in 2014.

I have this theory anyway that only famous people die in plane crashes and I’m guessing Moscow to Ulaanbaatar isn’t the most frequented route by the social elite. Then again my billionaire Russian businessmen spotting skills aren’t great so I could be sitting next to an oil magnet and never know it.

I’ll be saying a few Hail Marys all the same. Just to be sure. Please feel free to do the same!!!!!


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