
Have you ever seen that film with Lindsay Lohan called Mean Girls? There is a scene in it where a character played by Amanda Seyfried tells Lohan’s character that her breasts can predict the rain. In a later scene she does a school weather report and while standing getting soaked in a downpour announces, while groping her own breasts: “Hi. I’m Karen Smith. It’s 68 degrees and there is a 30 per cent chance that it’s already raining.” Funny.

I usually go for the more traditional method of weather forecast and just check the television or the internet, which today indicated no rain for Texel. Whoever made that prediction seriously needs to consider a new career path.

I had planned to spend my one full day on Texel, cycling the entire length of the island, visiting the lighthouse near De Cocksdorp (who doesn’t like lighthouses right?), and then taking in the villages of De Koog, De Waal, Den Hoorn, Oudeschild and Den Burg where I am staying.

About an hour after I hired a bike and set out Mother Nature decided to have a little fun. In fact, she was having a party. A big one. What started as a little sprinkle became all out torrential rain. I might as well have jumped in a lake fully clothed.

Of course, I just happened to be in an area of flat farmland without so much as a tree to shelter under, and was left contemplating the sheltering properties of a crop of silverbeet. For the record it provides very little!

It was that wet, that as I tried to peddle faster my shoes kept slipping off causing a mini tsunami inside my shoes which were so filled with water it will spilling out the air pockets.

Image that for about 10km and you can probably guess my mood today. 🙂

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