My country has no culture

There is something magical about the first day of a holiday. It doesn’t matter whether you are kicking back with a good book and a cocktail poolside or simply lying in bed because you have no other place to be, it just makes you want to recline , exhale and say: “Ahhh, this is the life”.

I get the same feeling every time I visit a country bordering the Mediterranean. Somehow they just know how to live.

Tonight, I met up with an American guy called Charlie who is here on a bit of a study tour. We went to the Mahane Yehuda night market where hundreds of people gathered on a Monday night just to be. Music, dancing, food, it was life at its greatest.

We stumbled upon a little nook out the way where were played endless games of backgammon alongside a group of old men. We sat there for hours listening to the music and giggling at the reactions of the men who looked as us bemused by the strategies we were taking on the board.  I’m obviously quite the novice because they would start shouting in Hebrew when I made a move that wasn’t to their liking.

Locals dancing

Getting some tips

Just had to get a pic of this guy - random!

Charlie and Stefani

It's serious business backgammon

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