A photo a day

Back in June I came across a project called A Photo A Day. My friend Monica, who lives in LA, began posting a photo each day on her Facebook based on a list created by @fatmumslim. The list contained a single idea for each day of the month which you then had to take a photograph of to reflect that idea. Ie morning, six o’clock, soft.

I thought it seemed like a fun little project to entertain me for five minutes each day so promptly printed off the list.

Monica was already about eight days into the project when I noticed her photos and I pledged, while walking the dog one morning, that I would go home and take my first photo and then back date the others. I’m useless and it never happened.

I then thought, ok, how bout I just start at the beginning of July and use the same list. But July has 31 days, one more than June, so that wouldn’t work. And besides, you’ve probably cottoned on to the fact, we’re kinda into 30 day things here at 30 Days for 30 Years. 😉

With August out for the same reason as July, I set a note in my diary that I would begin taking A Photo a Day in September. This morning after my run I sat down with a coffee to read the paper outside (it’s the first day of Spring today and the sun was out!) and took this shot to represent morning, the first idea on the June list.

Which brings me to now. For the purposes of this blog post I thought I best find out who fatmumslim actually is. I learned that she is Chantelle, a mummy blogger from Australia’s east coast, who, as it turns out, hasn’t limited this cool project just to June.

It seems I could have been taking pics in July and August too using other unique sets of prompts created by Chantelle.  It’s becoming quite the phenomenon by the looks with celebs like P!nk even getting in on the act. (She was a bit more motivated than me and gave it a crack in June!)

So with the new September list in hand, here is the first of 30 photos: You, now



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